When Gifted Children Hide Their TalentHow we group children for learning matters. Peer pressure to conform to mediocrity is alive & well in our schools.Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
Special Education Run AmokTelling parents their child is SpEd when he has no learning inability distorts the purpose of Special Education.Jun 26, 20231Jun 26, 20231
Differentiation: The Elephant in the Living RoomAmong buzz words in education, it is the most over-used and least understood. What does it mean to ‘differentiate’ in one’s classroom?Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
Life Lessons from Father’s DayWhen you’ve lost a father who loved and was loved, this becomes a difficult day. The pain lessens over time, but the difficulty remains.Jun 26, 2023Jun 26, 2023
Did No Child Left Behind Irreparably Damage Our Schools?No Child Left Behind (2001) caused a great deal of consternation in American school systems for two main reasons:Oct 23, 2022Oct 23, 2022
John Hattie DebunkedTeachers are often lectured in their professional development about researchers who claim to have found the Holy Grail in education: that…Oct 18, 2022Oct 18, 2022
Chaos in Our SchoolsG’mornin’, Sunday people. 🤓 It’s raining here in the desert Southwest. Slow and steady. Kinda cold, too. A good morning to be inside and…Oct 16, 2022Oct 16, 2022
Thoughtful discourse is always appreciated.I am a teacher, and I was a member of the union at one time. The unions don't belong to the teachers; the teachers belong to the union, and…Aug 2, 2022Aug 2, 2022
The DanceA short story by Wendy Taylor, TL Zempel’s idea of a main character with grit (and a touch of talent)Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020